35 Odd Grocery Store Warnings and Labels
These stores have everything on your shopping list, along with some comedic gold.
Published 5 months ago in Funny
Grocery stores have just about anything you'd want to eat. Everything has to be labeled and organized, anything that’s potentially dangerous to eat must come with a warning. But anyone who’s worked in a grocery store knows that the staff there isn’t paid enough. As a result, a lot of this labeling and signage might be… kind of phoned in. Which we support! If you’re doing something important and not being compensated for it – do it halfway.
Even though we support these people, we can’t help but laugh at their mistakes or just their weird way of categorizing food. Since these stores are everywhere and the products are endless, it’s easy to find these hilarious missteps. Baby products are put in the alcohol aisle, or vice versa, bananas labeled “long yellow things” or the simple but scandalous “Do not finger the peaches.”
These stores have everything on your shopping list, along with some comedic gold.